Recommended tracker setup

In order to have the best possible experience using the dacadoo app, we recommend that users only use one tracker for their health data. Even though the dacadoo app supports using more than one tracker at a time, these types of setups can easily lead to duplicated data and other synchronization issues between trackers and services. As such, it’s best for most users to keep their setup as simple as possible and limit their use to a single tracker.

Recommended iOS setups

iOS primarily handles the user’s health data through the Health app, but some apps such as Fitbit don’t support this type of connection and must be synced directly to the dacadoo app. We therefore recommend two different types of setups for iOS users depending on their tracker:

  • Connecting the tracker to dacadoo through Apple Health: If the user is using an Apple Watch, Garmin, Polar, Strava, Huawei, Xiaomi or any other device that syncs with Apple Health, we recommend syncing that device to Apple Health and then syncing Apple Health with dacadoo. Users should make sure that dacadoo only receives data from the trackers through Apple Health, and that the tracker apps are not also sending data to dacadoo.
  • Connecting the tracker directly to dacadoo: If the user is using a Fitbit or any other device that doesn’t sync with Apple Health, we recommend syncing it directly to dacadoo and not syncing dacadoo with Apple Health.